Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chance Operation; Bouncy Balls paint Box

For our chance operation system we wanted to make a system that would produce a visual piece of work using paint as the primary medium.

What we began developing was a constructed cube that we would drop in bouncy balls that were dipped in paint and then shake the cube and see what would result.

1. Six 3"x3" white foam board pieces
2. Two small bouncy balls
3. red paint & black paint
4. tape
5. Dice

1. Assemble a cube with foam board, and cut a small flap on the top side to drop in the bouncy balls. Tape together the sides to make the cube.
2. On the top left corners of each side write a number 1-6, with a directional arrow 'up', which would designate in what order and direction to lay down the sides when done.
3. Roll a pair of dice to get a random number of minutes for how long to shake balls in the cube.
We landed on 4, so would shook the cube 4 minutes.

4. Dip each ball half way in paint, one in black paint, and the other in red paint.

5. Drop the balls in the cube through the flap on the top and shake the cube (we shook ours 4 minutes).

6. Take apart the cube, lay sides in order and direction according to labels on top left corner.

See the result.

Take a closer look;

Front side of cube / 1

Right side of cube / 2

Back side of cube / 3

Left side of cube / 4

Bottom side of cube / 5

Top side of cube with flap / 6

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