Thursday, January 31, 2013

Electric Skin

Electric skin is a wearable, responsive garment which turns the intimate breath of the wearer into pulses of light.

"The inhalation and exhalation of the wearer activates a breath sensor that dims and brightens the printed LED of the garment. The wearer is engaged in an altered state of perception, bathed in the electric aqua light."

I'm attracted to the unusual look and aesthetic of Electric skin, and especially the light pulses in a dark room. It feels as if the garment itself is alive and breathing. I can see the cross between subject and object with Electric Skin, the garment itself cannot pulse, and the wearing cannot have the experience without putting on the garment.

Electric Skin on Suzi Webster's site.

Moon Ride

In Moon Ride participants are invited to hook their own bikes up to bike trainers previously transformed into generators. Every step of their pedals generates electricity, illuminating a balloon light hovering in the night sky. The cyclists’ efforts determine the brightness of the balloon.

I think the voluntary component from the participants in the aim to light up the balloon is huge in Moon Ride, and with the participants there would not be much to see and experience.

I also like the goal itself, to light a specific balloon using human power, although they already have their standard street and home lights. The bigger picture is definitely the participation in creating light.
I enjoy how much fun this looks and how great of a time the participants seemed to have.

Moon Ride is more of a commentary participant involved installation, and people respond well to collaborative effort again like this.

A link to Moon Ride's page on Assocreation

Sensor Sonic Sights

Sensor Sonic Sights, a trio group, create a unique sound/image ambiance and environment using sensor gestures that capture their movement to translate for digital data.

S.S.S uses 3 main tools for their performances,
- Ultrasound sensors which measure distance between the performer’s hands and their machine, allowing them to form 3D imagery, navigate in color, scale, texture…
The Theremin, a historical electronic instrument invented in 1919, an oscillator which responds to perturbations of electrostatic fields based on the distance of the hands and body to the instrument…
The BioMuse places gel electrodes on the performer’s forearms, analyzing EMG biosignals. Muscle tension through concentrated movement allows the musician to sculpt sound synthesis.

Collectively, each member contributes to the resulting sounds and images by their individual actions.

I appreciate the collaborative efforts for creating an experience that will be different every time.

I especially enjoy the audio produced by S.S.S that isn't heard so often. (It reminds me of snippets from Donnie Darko).

I believe the tools and techniques can go beyond what S.S.S does, for other audio producing and teaching tools, and creative inventing for images.

A video of S.S.S performing and a link to their site.